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32 من المنتجات


سكوتر كهربائي تيكترون TS3/3+ EVO - 710 واط السعر بعد الخصمالسعر من RM1,708.00 MYR
تكنترون TS2/2+ VOX - سكوتر كهربائي 500 واط السعر بعد الخصمRM1,459.00 MYR
techtron TEF2 EVO - Foldable e-Bike techtrontechtron TEF2 EVO - Foldable e-Bike techtron
techtron TE10+ PRIMO e-Bike - Carbon Fibre techtrontechtron TE10+ PRIMO e-Bike - Carbon Fibre techtron
الدراجة الإلكترونية techtron TE10/10+ PRIMO (ألياف الكربون). السعر بعد الخصمالسعر من RM16,076.00 MYR
techtron EV22 PRIMO - Voice Controlled + Touchscreen ev-Charger (22 kW, Level 3) - Type 2 techtrontechtron EV22 PRIMO - Voice Controlled + Touchscreen ev-Charger (22 kW, Level 3) - Type 2 techtron
techtron EV7 PRIMO - Voice Controlled + Touchscreen ev-Charger (7.4 kW, Level 2) - Type 2 techtrontechtron EV7 PRIMO - Voice Controlled + Touchscreen ev-Charger (7.4 kW, Level 2) - Type 2 techtron
techtron TD3 VOX - 8 kW (72V 40Ah) e-Dirt Bike السعر بعد الخصمالسعر من RM23,394.00 MYR
techtron TD3 EVO - 8 kW (72V 40Ah) e-Dirt Bike السعر بعد الخصمRM23,394.00 MYR
techtron TD10 VOX - 30 kW (80V 75Ah) e-Dirt Bike السعر بعد الخصمRM43,885.00 MYR
techtron® Storage Case Hard Shell techtron
techtron (Hard Shell) Storage Case السعر بعد الخصمRM98.00 MYR
techtron EVP3 - Portable ev-Charger (3.6 kW, Level 1) - Type 2 techtrontechtron EVP3 - Portable ev-Charger (3.6 kW, Level 1) - Type 2 techtron
techtron EVP3/3+ Bluetooth + Wi-Fi (3.6 kW, Level 1, Type 2) Portable ev-Charger السعر بعد الخصمالسعر من RM825.00 MYR
techtron® EV22 VOX Voice Activated ev-Charger (22 kW, Level 3) Type 2 techtrontechtron® EV22 VOX Voice Activated ev-Charger (22 kW, Level 3) Type 2 techtron
techtron EV22 (22 kW, Level 3, Type 2) ev-Charger السعر بعد الخصمRM0.00 MYR
techtron® EV Wall Bracket - Type 2 techtron
techtron (Type 2) EV Wall Bracket السعر بعد الخصمRM49.00 MYR
techtron® Combination D Lock Heavy Duty techtrontechtron® Combination D Lock Heavy Duty techtron
techtron 54V 2 A Battery Charger - Type A السعر بعد الخصمRM122.00 MYR
techtron 42V 2 A Battery Charger - Type B السعر بعد الخصمRM122.00 MYR
تكنترون TS10/10+ VOX - سكوتر كهربائي بقدرة 2 كيلو وات السعر بعد الخصمالسعر من RM4,874.00 MYR
techtron Ultra 8000 Electric Bike techtrontechtron Ultra 8000 Electric Bike techtron
techtron Elite 5000 Electric Bike (Rear Motor) techtrontechtron Elite 3500 Electric Bike (Rear Motor) techtron
techtron Elite 5000 Electric Bike (Mid Motor) techtrontechtron Elite 5000 Electric Bike (Mid Motor) techtron
techtron Pro 3500 Electric Bike techtrontechtron Ultra 8000 Electric Bike techtron
techtron Explore+ 2500 Electric Bike techtrontechtron Explore+ 2500 Electric Bike techtron
techtron Explore 2500 Electric Bike techtrontechtron Explore 2500 Electric Bike techtron
techtron Lite 2000 Electric Bike techtrontechtron Lite 2000 Electric Bike techtron
techtron ev-7+ 7.2 kW (level 2) Type 2 ev-Charger techtrontechtron ev-7+ 7.2 kW (level 2) Type 2 ev-Charger techtron
Copy of techtron ev-7 (7.4 kW, Level 2) Type 2 ev-Charger techtronCopy of techtron ev-7 (7.4 kW, Level 2) Type 2 ev-Charger techtron